Investigation reveals abuses in the case of cosmetic procedures in Jordan

The essence of the case is a blunt offense started, pages full of advertising and marketing for cosmetic interventions and customer attraction terms, specialist and specialist.. Expert and expert.. The scientific description “has nothing to do with medicine at all.

Some acquire experience on girls’ bodies and faces and others inject unauthorized, new recipes and cheats.

The Medical Constitution states in article X and explicitly mentions what is included in the fraud, registration and allegation of discovery of a diagnosis or treatment method that is not scientifically proven.

A case she talked about the inspiration of a doctor that she would use in cosmetic injections a substance that was recently adopted at a scientific conference and is the only one in Jordan who owns it. The client was placed in the dream and inspiration box, bearing in mind the imbalance in scientific information between the parties “service provider and patient”, and her inspiration to have a new treatment without providing a scientific bond to document it, also in explicit violation of the Medical Liability Law of Article VIII, whereby the service provider is prohibited from using diagnostic, therapeutic or non-authorized medicines to treat the service recipients.

Article 10 of the Medical Constitution explicitly stipulates, in accordance with article 10 of the Code of Medical Responsibility, what is also referred to in article 7 of the Code of Medical Liability, the need to inform service recipients or their relatives of any complications that may result from diagnosis, medical treatment or surgical intervention prior to its commencement, monitoring and, where possible, initiating treatment.

However, in the above case, the intention was to persuade the patient to take the medication in question for personal benefit without taking care, effort and care for the patient’s full benefit.

The case of the medical cosmetic sector in Jordan has become in parentheses or inferior to resilience. The charlatans who broke into this sector “, and hustling and covering up them, is essentially contrary to article XI of the Medical Constitution, which states that a doctor must not elect unlawful crowding in the profession, and the protection of charlatans who take unlawful acts in any medical department.

The victims of cosmetic intervention are increasing and talking here is a reality we documented… Performing surgical operations outside hospitals and medication as a result… A girl who lost her eye and one who breathed hard and another who exposed her face to the public became impossible.

The cosmetic struggle, the reality of legal defence, what the victims have and who bears direct responsibility when reviewing a doctor’s clinic for facial injections revealed catastrophic abuses occurring behind the doors of the clinics, as some of them licence the name of a doctor, while not having enough cosmetic management at the hands of “female experts and specialists.”

The supervision of the beauty sector in Jordan is almost non-existent and its abuses… Entrants under many names, doctors working outside their jurisdiction, victims looking for beauty via social media… The story has already begun with a legal infringement. We may not lose any more.

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